It happens every year, and it’s one of the most-attended events during “Fair Week” at many County Fairs, especially in the American South. What am I talking about? The annual contest that determines just which of the many teen-aged young ladies from across the County will become the next “Fairest of the Fair.” Over the…

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Many times the most profound truths are often hidden in the most unexpected place… right in front of you! The problem in discovering them for most of us is that often we’re too distracted to recognize what should otherwise be obvious. A classic example is the “Acres of Diamonds” story. The main character is looking…

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It’s always “the little things” that seem to cause the most problems. And if we examine the factors that contributed to the demise of The Titanic and Columbia, we can learn lessons for success that could help us keep our own endeavors from suffering a similar fate. Like a piece of ice, in the case…

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